
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Ep. 50 Bike Touring Across America with Frankie Wilde Pt. 1
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Happy 50th episode! Woo hoo! This wouldn’t have been possible without both our listeners and wonderful guests. We have a bit of a special episode this week as we are not talking hiking, or backpacking, or running. We are talking biking!
Frank Hughes has been a biking enthusiast since he was a child and his lust for adventure only became stronger as he got older. Completing three cross-country bike tours so far, Frank has seen more of the US in three years than many have seen in a lifetime. In this episode we talk bike specs and the beginning of his first 2000+ mile adventure from Minnesota to Washington State.
Stay tuned for next week’s episode where we get into the Southwest and Appalachia!

Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Ep. 49 The Adirondacks with Jonathan Zaharek
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
We take a deep dive into the Adirondacks playground with landscape photographer, professional guide, and many times over ADK 46er Jonathan Zaharek!
Jonathan has an intimate history with the park’s trails and peaks and loves to share his experiences with them through his photography and beautifully curated videos.
Jonathan also chats with us about his winter red line project as well as his thoughts on overcrowding in the park.
Thanks for coming on, Jonathan! It was a pleasure.

Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Ep. 48 Extreme Weather Warning in the Adirondacks
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
The duo has decided to brave the temps and knock off some more ADK high peaks. Cascade and Porter were a fantastic introduction to the park’s winters which are known to be brutal. With a static -16 on the ground, Cranky and Tumbles prepped for an even colder summit. Take a listen for gear reviews, trail reviews, and how to open a Corona with a lighter. Enjoy!

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Ep. 47 Tales and Town Shirts with Dylan ‘Pickle’ Tonkin
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Pickle came to hang out on the show with us this week to talk about his experience on the AT and PCT as well we talk to us about his newly launched gear company, Town Shirt! Proving that social media does bring people together, we connected with Pickle through the podcast’s Instagram stores. We consider ourselves lucky that he decided to comment because we were able to talk about the differences between both of his thru-hikes and how trail culture inspired him to start the Town Shirt company. Take a listen cos this was definitely a fun one. Thanks for coming on, Pickle!
Town Shirt: www.townshirt.co
Town Shirt on Insta: https://instagram.com/townshirt.co?utm_medium=copy_link
Pickle’s Insta: https://instagram.com/dstonkin?utm_medium=copy_link
Our Patreon!
Our YouTube!

Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Ep. 46 There are No Bathrooms on Beacon
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
The dynamic duo are back by themselves talking about their recent short but notable hike in the Hudson Highlands. Mt Beacon (more like a hill) is small but mighty as it boasts the highest elevation in the highlands as well as have some fantastic ruins. Take a listen for trail conditions (snow), tumbles (4..?), and history (well, of course). Finally we talk about a bangin’ food joint in Newburgh.
Our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/RocksandRootsPodcast?fan_landing=true
Our YouTube! https://youtube.com/channel/UCF8lar8UrxcuG_S3GhSlVtg

Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Ep. 45 She is Dragonsky (and 2022 Announcements)
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
We hung out with Dragonsky this episode and chatted about her recent 2021 Appalachian Trail thru-hike. Who many would regard as a newbie to the trail scene, Dragonsky has made her voice known and has proven to herself that she can do whatever she puts her mind to. With a passion for modern social issues, Dragonsky talks about her positive and negative experiences on trail and her future plans which include another thru-hike! We look forward to following your endeavors and thanks for coming on!
Dragonsky’s Insta: https://instagram.com/i_am_dragonsky?utm_medium=copy_link
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/IAmDragonsky

Friday Dec 31, 2021
Ep. 44 White Mountain Wandering with Neal Lyon
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Neal Lyon of White Mountain Wanderers joins us to talk about his story of finding solace in the mountains and finding his people along the way. We take a deep dive into how important community is both on and off trail and we learn not to take each other so seriously. While the Whites are not the easiest mountains, they do have this knack for bringing people together. Thanks for coming on, Neal!
White Mountain Wanderers on YouTube! https://youtube.com/channel/UCUWN2gpMuT9cunSmjKxKKCA
Neal on Instagram! https://instagram.com/neals_simple_life_?utm_medium=copy_link
ps. This episode was recorded on 12/23/21 and aired on 12/31/21. Happy New Year!

Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Ep. 43 Christmas Gear Haul!
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Happy Holidays from us at the Rocks and Roots Podcast! We want to give a big thanks to our listeners for tuning in over the past year and we’re psyched for 2022!
Cranky and Tumbles are coming at you from Tidewater Virginia to talk about their hiking/backpacking gear from Santa as well as let you in on their epic Christmas vacation. We visit the Outer Banks to see Lost Colonies and Firsts in Flight and learn some rather unsettling history about an already unsettling historical figure. Also that North Carolina is rather raunchy…all that and more on today’s episode!
Trail food: Bushka’s Kitchen, Mountain House, Backpacker’s Pantry, Untapped Maple Syrup, Clif Blocs, Nuun Hydration
Backpacker recipe book: Nols Cookery
Trail Shoes: Altra Lone Peak 5’s
Trail Gadgets: Riapow Solar Charger, Point Below Plasma Windproof Waterproof Lighter

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Ep. 42 The American Perimeter Trail with Rue McKenrick and Leilah Grace
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Another jam packed episode hanging with two fantastic people! Tumbles and Cranky talk with Rue McKenrick and Leilah Grace about their American Perimeter Trail project. Born out of a thirst for adventure and to connect the contiguous United States’ diverse lands and communities, the 12,000 mile long APT includes all of that and more. Rue talks about his years long scouting mission of the trail, connecting the triple crown and continuously modifying the loop while Leilah coordinates and brings together this vast new community of short and long distance hikers.
We are excited to watch this trail being built and look forward to join on a hike soon!
Check out the APT! : www.americanperimetertrail.org
Their Insta! : https://instagram.com/americanperimetertrail?utm_medium=copy_link
And FB! : https://www.facebook.com/groups/490695038506558/?ref=share

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Tumbles and Cranky had the absolute pleasure talking to IBTAT and getting the scoop on him completing the Continental Divide Trail, how backpacking transformed him and inspired his followers, and what future adventures are in store.
We want to congratulate IBTAT on completing his triple crown this year and we look forward to meeting up and chatting again soon.
Follow IBTAT on YouTube : youtube.com/c/IBTAT
on Instagram : https://instagram.com/savedbymtns?utm_medium=copy_link